We have initiateed a new stock emission. Read more here
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IR contact
Consumer contact

Investor relations contacts

It is our ambition to give the capital market, investors and all other stakeholders relevant and up to date information. Please contact us in case you are missing any content.

In connection with the publication of financial reports, a silent period of 30 days before publication is observed. During this period, Midsona will not hold meetings with the press, media, investors, analysts or other stakeholders. Only questions of a general nature are answered.
Media contact
Peter Åsberg, CEO and President
Mobile: +46 730 26 16 32
IR contact
Max Bokander, CFO
Mobile: +46 708 65 13 64

Head office Midsona group

Midsona AB (publ)
Postal address: P O Box 21009, SE-200 21 Malmö, Sweden
Visiting address: Dockplatsen 16, SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46 40 601 82 00
Registration no: 556241-5322
VAT: SE556241532201
Head office Midsona Sweden
Head office, marketing, sales, and financial and quality departements
Postal address: Box 50577, SE-202 15 Malmö, Sweden
Visiting address: Dockplatsen 16, SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46 40 660 20 40
Midsona Sweden in Malmö
Order (all product categories except consumer health)
Visiting address: Dockplatsen 16, SE-211 19 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 501 693 60
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-16pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)
Day before public holiday: 9am-1pm
Consumer contact
If you have questions about or comments on our products, contact Midsona Sweden's consumer contact who will help you.
When complaining about a product, please save the product, and have the batch number and expiry date ready when you contact Midsona: konsumentkontakt@midsona.se
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-12pm
Phone: +46 20 78 88 01
Midsona Sweden in Falköping
Storage and production of consumer health products
Visiting address: Lönnerbladsgatan 6, SE-521 40 Falköping, Sweden
Division Nordics
Midsona Sverige AB
Postal address: P O Box 50577, SE-202 15 Malmö, Sweden
Phone: +46 40 660 20 40
Division North Europe
Midsona Deutschland GmbH
Address: Zur Davert 7, DE-593 87 Ascheberg, Germany
Phone: +49 2593 928 00
Divison South Europe
Celnat / Alimentation Sante
213 Av. Antoine Lavoisier,
43700 Saint-Germain-Laprade
Mas Montserrat
08183 Castellcir (Barcelona)


You will find the most recent product images in our press room. If you don't find what you are looking for, please send an email and we will help you.